Electronic TransformersCurrent location :Home > Electronic Transformers
- Time:2024-3-22 16:53:25 Posted:E&C Technologies(Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
Electronic transformer with small structure, light weight, has been widely used in the field of home lighting.
To keep these machines running like new, they depend on a proven electrical insulation system. The system provides protection from temperature changes, chemicals and moisture.Product Summary
ELANTAS ZHUHAI resins are perfect for keeping your electronic transformers in top performance condition day after day.
Epoxy resins and polyester resins offer a long field service history in electronic transformers. Ranvar resins provide outstanding moisture and chemical resistance in electronic transformers.Solutions For
- UL Recognition
- Extended Service Life
- Vibration and Noise Reduction
- High Temperature Stress
Product Characteristics at a Glance
Product code Resin Unique Characteristics Viscosity @25°mPas Cure Schedule Application Method Thermal Class STERLING 77X-010 SOLVENT ALKYD VARNISH A clear, fast air drying or low temperature cure insulating var-nish for impregnating and seal coating. 40-100 24 hours @25°C DIP 180/200°C PED 80361FS AIR DRY SOLVENTED VARNISH It has good solvent, water and ultra-violet light resistance. 30-75 24 hours @25°C DIP/SPRAY/BRUSH 180 °C E468-2FC SOLVENTLESS EPOXY RESIN An unfilled, low viscosity, heat curing electrical insulation resin. It is a high dielectric compound that reduces core noise and wire vibration. 290-400 2-4 hours @135°C DIP/VPI 200 °C VIKING V1380FC ALKYD VARNISH Excellent electrical insulation properties and tank stability, it is compatible with most wire enamels and tapes.V1380FC cures to give a tough, bright surface finish, excellent protection against leakage currents and is particularly useful for protecting metal surfaces against oxidation. 150-300 30minutes@135°C
50minutes@120°CDIP/VPI/TRICKLE 180 °C VIKING 1630 FS CLEAR AIR DRY SOLVENTED VARNISH V1630FS has good solvent, water and ultra-violet light resistance. It gives a bright surface finish, excellent protection against leakage currents and is particularly useful for protecting metal surfaces against oxidation. 30-75 24 hours @25°C DIP/SPRAY/BRUSH 180°C 5183SW POLYESTER RESIN UNSATURATED POLYESTER Two-component system,Chemically promoted for low tem-perature cure,Low viscosity,Semi-flexible for vibration and noise suppression,UL recognized insulation systems up to class 240,UV light fluorescent 80-150 cps 30-60 Minutes @120°C 180°C RANVAR B-277 ALKYD VARNISH A clear, fast air drying or low temperature cure insulating var-nish with excellent electrical properties, good tank stability. Available in B277-2G without xylene. 400-800 60-120 minutes @25°C
25-35 minutes @110°CDIP 180°C Elan-tron MC471-5LL/W471-5LL Epoxy Resin Two components, filled epoxy system is curable at room temperature. Low viscosity and long pot time, low exothermal in large bulk and very low shrinkage. The system has different class UL insulation system, and has got UL construction material recognition. 12500-25000 48 hours @25°C 155 °C PED1000-70 WATER SOLUBLE POLYESTER Single-component, economic efficiency, environmentally friend-ly product for general purpose use. Available in various solid content versions for application. 1600-2500 2-12 hours @110-150°C DIP/TRICKLE/ROLL DIP 180/200°C
Electronic Transformers
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